Thursday, July 8, 2010


I am sitting here at my desk (in a very lonely hallway back in the haunted surgery wing) waiting for this day to be over and eating Rolos. No, I do not NEED to eat the Rolos. This is not the point. I am in fact, eating them, and thinking about the last time I did. Rex and I were driving from Utah to Texas on our "honeymoon" and in our snack bag were chips, pineapple pieces, sunflower seeds, and rolos. I am instantly taken back to the moments we shared on that journey and how I was so at ease being with him, but still unsure of my role as a wife. I do not think that I felt the gravity of the situation yet, and was just in a cloud of happiness. ( note: I remain blissfully happy, but the day I FELT like I was a wife had not come). Sitting next to me on that some 24-28 hour trip was a guy that had driven the same said distance to load all of my crap, marry me, and drive me back ..all within a weeks time frame. He was amazing then, and continues to amaze me with his love for me and all of the cute things he does or says throughout the day. I know that even though times of struggle do await us, I am overjoyed that I have a partner to shoulder the burden with me.


  1. The tenderness of your words speaking of your husband has brought tears to my eyes... I am so thankful that you have found this wonderful man and the life that you are building... yes I'm sure trying times are ahead but hold on to each other and you will make it.. You are both a blessing to us all ~

  2. how sweet. both of you. together. i love it.

  3. That is sweet :):) I'm happy for you guys! Where do you live again?

  4. What a difference the space of several months has made in your life. I hate to say "I told you so," but, hey, I told you to be patient. I think you ought to start a blog about how wonderful it is having me for an aunt. Our love to Rex.
